The Fashion Institute of New Orleans (FINO)

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About Us
Program Overview
The Fashion Institute of New Orleans (FINO) is a District 2 Community Enhancement Corporation program designed to maximize the impact of the fashion and retail industry on Louisiana. The program includes workshops and field trips that enhance students’ natural talent and provide training and business resources in the fashion and retail industries. Instructors and industry professionals bring a hands on approach to the classroom as students are introduced to various aspects of fashion. In addition to receiving an overview of the business, technical and creative side of fashion, students are allowed to select one area of concentration from the following five options: photography & videography, skincare & make-up, fashion design & apparel construction, modeling, and webpage & graphic design. In order to strengthen the industry-education linkage, FINO students participate in field trips to fashion and retail outlets and events. Field trips are designed to teach students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to the real world. Students also have the opportunity to apply what they have learned by producing a fashion show using their own designs. FINO’s top 10 students earn a trip to New York to participate in a mentor/protégé program with fashion industry professionals.
The objectives are: (1) to prepare high school students for four year programs in fashion design and/or merchandising and, (2) expose students to non traditional career opportunities in fashion and retail.
Criteria for Participation
FINO is available to high school juniors and seniors in the Louisiana Recovery School District who are interested in pursuing higher education in fashion design and/or merchandising. Guidance counselors assist Fashion Institute staff by screening prospective participants and advising them of the opportunity to gain exposure to fashion and retail training through the Fashion Institute.
In The Press
• The New York Times: Student Journalism Institute
• Jones Magazine: FINO's Dinner with Bevy Smith and Laquan Smith
• Eritrean Chat
• Fashion Month
• Essence Magazine: FINO Inspires Students to Design
• Passion for Fashion
• Meet New Orleans' Next Fashionistas
• FINO's Dinner with Bevy
• Where Y'at Magazine: Catwalking the Crescent City
• Bevy Smith incl. Dinner with FINO
• Bevy Smith incl. Dinner with FINO
• The Advocate, Baton Rouge: NOLA Fashion Week
• The Louisiana Weekly: The business of image...
• Forbes Magazine: Bevy Smith incl. Dinner with FINO
• Photos/Video from First NOLA Fashion Week
For Additional Program information please contact:
Tiffany Crawford or Shawn Verrett District 2 Community Enhancement Corporation (504)244-0090